Besides the fictional planet of Piglen, there are several other fictional pig-filled planets. Among them are the planets that New Pig visited during her adventure in space. The other planets aren't inhabited by toy pigs like Piglen; they each have their own kinds of pigs.
Diamond World is a blue planet. From there, the sky appears purple. Almost everything on this planet is made out of rocks or gemstones. The pigs are also made out of rock and gems.
To a pig like New Pig, the only real danger in Diamond World is falling diamonds. There is not much water on this planet. The pigs are generally nice and friendly. Other types of animals are either rare or don't exist. There are two kinds of food: rocks and large crystals. Crystals are more delicious than rocks, and most foods resembling sweet-tasting foods or fruit are made of crystals. The food on the planet is inedible for a normal pig, so markets also sell food imported from Forest World.
Diamonds and other jewels are used as currency. Because of their abundance, they aren't worth much. Jewels can be farmed to make more jewels. Diamonds will grow into trees, small diamonds grow into giant diamonds, and rubies, citrines, sapphires, and emeralds grow into bushes. Gem plants grow very quickly.
Forest World is similar to Earth. There are many kinds of plants and animals on Forest World. Two kinds of pigs found there are flower pigs and wild boars.
Water is plentiful, and food is everywhere. Plants are found all over forest world, and most are edible for toy pigs. Many are the same kinds of plants found on Earth. For example, there are potatoes and cabbage. Animals other than pigs are also found there. For examples, there are chickens and rabbits.
Wild pigs live on treehouses. They will hunt animals, grow crops, and trade with other pigs. The currency on this planet is gold coins. Gems are highly valued.
Water World is a planet whose surface is a big ocean with islands scattered throughout it. Most pigs there are aquatic, but some may live on the islands and use boats to travel. There are also underwater cities, which are reachable by submarine.
The food mostly eaten here is seafood. Some pigs here, like jellyfish pigs, can be eaten too!
Pearls are used as currency.
Cloud World is not a planet, but rather a part of Water World. Most of the pigs here have the ability to fly.
Other pigs can reach this world by hot air balloon. On Cloud World, hot air balloons are a method of transport for any pigs that can not fly. Some pigs who live on Cloud World are angel pigs. These pigs have halos, can fly, and glow in the dark.